Amazon MQ vs ActiveMQ

September 01, 2022

Amazon MQ vs ActiveMQ

Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ have become popular messaging systems in the cloud environment. Both platforms offer reliable and scalable message brokering services to support application integration, decoupling of distributed systems, and asynchronous communication between services. But which one is better for your needs?

In this article, we will review the differences between Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ based on features, reliability, ease of use, deployment, and pricing.


Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ offer several similar capabilities as message brokers. Both platforms support multiple protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, STOMP, and OpenWire. They also provide multiple language SDKs for efficient message processing and support enterprise-grade security controls.

Amazon MQ has a few unique features, such as seamless integration with AWS Lambda, SNS, and SQS. It also allows for automatic failover and redundancy across multiple availability zones. ActiveMQ, on the other hand, offers advanced message filtering, message chaining, and audit logging capabilities, which are not available in Amazon MQ.


Reliability is a critical consideration when choosing a messaging platform. Amazon MQ uses the highly available architecture of ActiveMQ, which provides an SLA of 99.9% uptime. Amazon MQ also includes a feature called Enhanced Availability, which can switch between active and standby brokers in case of failures.

ActiveMQ provides multiple persistence options to ensure message durability. The default persistence mechanism is JDBC-based message storage, but it can also use file-based storage, in-memory storage, or a combination of these. ActiveMQ also provides features such as automatic message recovery and a message broker restart option to ensure high availability.

Ease of Use

Both messaging platforms offer intuitive web interfaces for managing and monitoring broker instances. However, Amazon MQ provides simpler configuration and setup, as it is a fully managed service. It integrates with other AWS services seamlessly and automatically scales resources based on demand. In contrast, ActiveMQ requires more manual setup and configuration efforts. It is recommended for users familiar with the messaging standard protocols and familiar with distributed systems.


Amazon MQ is a fully managed service that runs on the AWS cloud. Hence, you can create message brokers within minutes to scale resources up and down based on your needs. In contrast, deploying ActiveMQ requires manual setup and installation, which can take time and effort.

ActiveMQ can run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Amazon MQ, on the other hand, is available only on the AWS cloud environment.


Amazon MQ pricing is based on the number of brokers and the message broker instance type. It also includes data transfer costs and additional storage fees. ActiveMQ pricing is based on the hosting environment and infrastructure, including CPU, memory, storage, and network costs.

ActiveMQ is open-source software and available at no cost. However, additional costs are required for deployment, maintenance, and support.


Both Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ are reliable messaging platforms with similar features and capabilities. Amazon MQ provides simplicity and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services. In contrast, ActiveMQ offers advanced filtering and logging capabilities and can run on multiple operating systems.

Ultimately, the decision to choose between Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ will depend on your specific needs, resources, expertise, and preferences. So, before you decide, consider your requirements for performance, scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.


By this point, we hope you have found our Amazon MQ vs ActiveMQ comparison helpful, whether you're planning to integrate message brokering services into your project or just curious about how the cloud technology ecosystem operates. As always, feel free to leave your feedback or questions in the comments section below.

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